Hooray for the existence of Cassie Medema! Above she has put together all of her stamp creations for Unity Stamp Company. Her kits are unique and a-dor-a-ble. She added over 8 unique kits to our first 1000 images and created all of our catalog, brochures, and packaging tags. She also is designing the Unity Stamp website, which should be up and running by the end of the week! Looking forward to seeing all of it in full display.
We have 16 small things to finish up on our “to do” list and we will be on our way! We will greet the kids off the bus tomorrow, have an early dinner with them – and leave them in the hands of Grandpa and Grandma! Sawyer has a little calendar by his bed to mark off the days till we return. When you are 5, ten days is like a lifetime! I didn’t DARE tell him we would be right across the street from Disney…
The Rover is packed down with pillows, blankets and FOOD – I will be away from internet connection as we cross over the mountains – therefore – the moment we arrive I will post again with the CHA 2008 Adventures. Stay posted!