I asked her to create a special card for Unity’s first official Feature Friday!
We are taking each Friday of the month to feature Unity’s Guest DT Member. We are honored and happy to have Linsey with us. She is so very sweet and her creations are stellar.
Here is a little blurb from Linsey about the card.
“This card is special to me since I met my hubby on the 4th of July at Lake Tahoe 10 years ago. This was my inspiration for it. I omitted inking the faces of the owls to create their “backsides” (hehe) and have them watching the fireworks from their favorite love branch. I popped the owls and leaves up on pop dots for added dimension and put some Queen and Co. bling gems in sky too.”
I adore this industry because there is so much meaning that lies within each creation. Without inspiration, creation is not possible. In an effort to find more out about the person behind the creation I have asked them to share one of their favorite quotes, stories, poems, or lyrics with us. I was not one bit surprise when I saw that Linsey picked one of my favorites from Maya Angelou.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
Love that!
A little tiny REMINDER!
Unity will be releasing 11 brand new kits at their RELEASE PARTY on June 25th @ 8-10 p.m. Central!
Great Deals, Prizes and FUN is the plan for the Party!
Be sure to join us!
What sets did Linsey use?
It’s the 4th! $22
Feature Friday Special
Buy One, get the second one 1/2 off!
Email Me: [email protected]
Subject Line: Feature Friday Special
I will send you an invoice via PAYPAL in the amount of $30.00 – FREE SHIPPING!
Leave Linsey some {L-O-V-E} I am sure she will be checking in here from time to time!