Now SOLD AS A SINGLE this adorable Randy Reindeer {named after my dad :)}by Lori Ryan!
Marilyn Monroe is exactly RIGHT….Everyone does have the right to TWINKLE!
Cyndi! You did a TERRIFIC job making UNITY TWINKLE this month!
THANK YOU, thank you, THANK YOU!
Love. Friendship. Happiness.
$29.00 gets you a NEW UNITY KIT every month.
for details.
Hello Local Scrapbook Stores!
Did you know you can sell Unity?
We have a WHOLESALE LINK on our website!
Sign up today for WHOLESALE PRICING!
Minimum Order only $100.00
Quantity of a mere “1”
Have a *TWINKLE* kind of DAY!
OH! ….almost FORGOT! Hip Hopping was a BLAST last night!
Sorry I had to leave early for my Mommy’s Group…I missed you gals!