Happy Thanksgiving!
Do you see that the table-cloth is STAMPED with Unity’s Tea Time Pattern only $8.00!
CUTE, cute, CuTe!
The FAMOUS Tiny line up from Giggle Grove in September Kit of the Month is taking this Thanksgiving setting into a FABULOUS direction! …and those silly little OWLS – aren’t they ADORABLE? October Kit of the Month has these little cuties for your stamping pleasure! 🙂
CLICK HERE to find out the details on Unity’s Kit of the Month.
Merry Christmas!
Heidi’s Table Setting I just noticed that she used Unity’s Harlequin Background Stamp for this tablecloth. Along with Bitty Christmas Tags (made just the perfect size to make tiny tags for your Christmas presents) and the scalloped border from the September Kit of the Month! FUN, fun, FuN!
Heidi used Formal Alphabet and the June Kit of the Month “Bliss and a Birdie” for this place tag!
You can now purchase the PAST Unity Kit of the Month for $45.00 plus shipping.
….and look at this sweet little Angel by artist Kristine Bents. I just love how Heidi used the sparkly BLUE! It makes her Christmas setting just POP! Fabulous!
I’m going to SAY IT AGAIN!
tease, tease, tease….i know. 🙂
Misc. Michelle is having Unity Week on her blog!