The history of this TWILIGHT obsession of mine….
Nic is my oldest son.
and wonderful!
We sent him off in July for 6 weeks.
He is not a big reader.
When you are in Alaska – it is a good time to read on your down time.
At the airport the day we sent him off I found TWILIGHT in the bookstore and thought he might find it interesting.
JUST IN CASE he did, I bought him NEW MOON as well.
He was there 1 week and he had finished BOTH BOOKS – so I went on the Internet and bought him the next book in line…
He was there 1 week and he had finished BOTH BOOKS – so I went on the Internet and bought him the next book in line…
By the time he was home he had finished all 4 books and INSISTED I would LOVE them.
Yep….I saw 3 AM several nights in a row and I completed the series in less than a week.
He made plans with his friends and I with mine.
BUT! As fate would have it I GOT TO SEE IT WITH HIM SATURDAY! Nic, my mom and I went! It was their first, my second. It was SO FUN!
The FIRST time I saw it….I picked it apart the entire time I watched. I went over each character and compared them to my personal “Twilight” that played in my mind as I read the book. I was torn between what I had envisioned compared to the vision of the people that made the movie and the actors and actresses that were chosen. HOWEVER…I was entertained. Who wouldn’t be with the beauty on the screen and the colors they chose to film the movie in. The “feel” they gave the movie, just by taking the visual color to the different tone was brilliant. Did you notice that?
The SECOND time I went….I LOVED it. I was able to watch it APART from the novel. It was a MOVIE…not a comparison. I watched it from the perspective of a person that had NOT read the book. This made a new impression on me and I left the theatre appreciating what the movie brought to the big screen.
TWO Favorite Scenes:
The Meadow…of course.
Meeting the Cullen family in their Beautiful Home
and I loved the Baseball Scene
oh…and the bonding scenes where he played the piano…liked that one too.
TWO Scenes they should have DONE OVER:
When Bella went cross eyed as Edward was sucking the Venom out. Both Edward and Bella OVERPLAYED that one. Not Good.
The HOSPITAL SCENE….it was like Bella forgot her lines. Her face and her acting WAS NOT GOOD there. I wanted to shout DO OVER! DO OVER!
Character Opinions:
Edward: Looked like a young Elvis. Perfect Choice!
Bella: Stunning. Love this Choice!
Alice: Adorable. Perfect.
Emmet: Perfect
Jaspere: Perfect
Rosalie: A little off for me, but she played it well.
Dr. Cullen: Nope. Didn’t work for me.
Esme: Perfect
James: Perfect
Victoria: Perfect
Bella’s Dad: NOPE wasn’t what I thought – But I liked him a lot
Jacob: Bad WIG. What was that? He was a great choice, but they needed to do something about that wig.
Jacob’s Dad: Perfect
OK…I am running out of CHARACTER names…my brain is not working – the others were just fine.
This is SO off of the subject of Stamping.
Tomorrow is Monday!
It is going to be a FABULOUS week with Unity!
Maybe…we will even hit the STAMPING TOP 50?
Do you think?
Help me out! Bring your friends to be our friends.
Who wouldn’t want to hang out with us!
We are a great group!
Should be a FUN conversation about TWILIGHT!