To all you amazing people that have sent the Unity Peeps some TREATS for the HOLIDAY a HUGE THANKS TO YOU!Jimmi – So yummy! So, So Yummy! Lisa Hetrick – More Yummies! & a Ca-UTE Snowman!Carol – Chocolates! More Yummies!Jen Buck – More Yummies! …and MY JOY BANNER that i sent a HINT out about! WOOT! WOOT!…and all the Beautiful Cards and words of THANKS and encouragment! EVERY DAY is a HAPPY MAIL day at Unity! Why oH WHY isn’t there a better word than THANK YOU or APPRECIATE, or GRATEFUL – because they don’t seem to cover it!I have the BEST Design Team and THE BEST Customers in the WORLD!Tons of Love to you all!Thanks again!

Hip Hop Hangover….Midnight Style.
I am not saying anything but….I’m Sorry!
I did not forget about you amazing people.
{I just now emerged out from underneath my “to DO” list}
I hope I am forgiven as I can’t say enough about how much I LOVE Hip Hop Hangover Day!
I think I had a panic attack trying to get this post up before MIDNIGHT!
My apologies, sweet gals!