{I am done shopping.}
5.5 hours of pure dedication to getting it complete this evening.
I arrived home at 11:30 p.m. this evening.
I even asked the lady at Walmart to celebrate my last Christmas purchase with me by sharing a bottle of wine….she had to work till 4 a.m. – it didn’t work out.
As I loaded the last bag into my Volvo I had a moment of peace – it lasted 2 seconds.
My heart HIT the Walmart Parking Lot when I realized I forgot to post my
NEW SCRAPBOOK Design Team Members!
How could I do that? ACK!
So I drove home as fast as I could with the roads being covered with slick sparkly snow. I had the intention to IMMEDIATELY get to my computer to make my final decisions and POST it.
BUT NO….my Internet is d-o-w-n.
So here I am at 12:25 with the Internet BACK in tact – my household sound asleep, my CHRISTMAS PRESENTS needing to be wrapped and my GUILT for not getting my post completed!
Now I have one more thing to tell you.
Please don’t be angry.
WE haven’t made our FINAL decision!
I know! I know! We only decided on ONE Amazing Lady so far…
Do you blame us! We had SO MANY APPLICANTS!
Lynn Ghahary
Welcome to the Official Unity Design Team Line Up!
We are so very excited to have you!
I hope that you will leave her a comment and give her big cyber {{{hugs}}} to congratulate her!
…in the meantime, I hate to say this – however….
I need more time!
{I asked Chris if you girls would be mad at me….he said no – that you would all understand – so you have to listen to him, K?!}
I am going to look over the applicants after I am done with all my wrapping tomorrow.
I will make another announcement by FRIDAY evening.
I am sorry to have to extend this – but I really have SO MANY to choose from and I need my girls to help me make that final choice again!
Let’s switch MODES and take a peek at my TALENTED Jeanne.
This gal has skills.
I’m telling ya!
{can you keep a little secret? she even helped me complete the January Kit of the Month today with her talent….yep – she is an artist besides!}
Do you think I should give you girls a little sneak peek of the January KOM?
I am feeling like I should since it is CHRISTMAS!
Perhaps Friday, I shall do that!
Geez…some people have all the TALENT IN THE WORLD and Jeanne is one of them!
Snowbuddy Like You!
Artist Lisa Hetrick
Artist Lynn Warner

Prince of Peace
Artist: Kristine Bents

Thanks for being so patient with me today Jeanne!
I missed DT Tuesday – we are now to WEDNESDAY and I apologize for that!
She has an AMAZING blog that just makes you want to grab your stamps and CREATE something beautiful like her!

Prince of Peace
Artist: Kristine Bents

Thanks for being so patient with me today Jeanne!
I missed DT Tuesday – we are now to WEDNESDAY and I apologize for that!
She has an AMAZING blog that just makes you want to grab your stamps and CREATE something beautiful like her!
ALSO…. I wanted to include some of our CHOICE GAL and New Unity Scrapbook Design Team Member, Lynn Ghahary.
She has an amazing display of projects on her blog. These are just a couple she sent with her application for Design Team.
A HUGE CONGRADS and Welcome to You, Lynn!
Using “Owl Always Love You” by Unity
“Quite a Pair”
Using “Our Life, Our Stories” by Unity
Just in case….I get eaten by the WRAPPING Presents Monster tomorrow….
MERRY CHRISTMAS my amazing Unity Friends!!
We wish you a Christmas filled with memories to treasure for a lifetime!
Quotes…of course….can’t bid farewell without them!
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To every child, a good example.
To all, charity.
To yourself, respect.”
Author Unknown But Greatly Appreciated!
…and from my lovely friend, Sabrina…
{and yes, everything is FINE :)}
“You’ll see it when you believe it.”
~ Wayne Dyer
this chick is tired.
off to bed.
what a day.
looking forward to food, time spent with my family, and relaxation
{oh! and “eggnog” coffee creamer}
christmas….ahhhhhh….i luv this holiday – a baby was born. the world stands still.