Beautiful Heather Brown has this ADORABLE wallet in there.
How creative is she?
Thank you Heather for Sharing that creativity paired with Unity!
You are going to see so many of these popping up!
Tons of talented gals have taken Unity and RUN with us!
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that!
This tree jumped out at me on my computer screen when Lindsey created and sent it to me!
I loved it from the moment I viewed it {i think i have mentioned that before}
was Lindsey’s FIRST CREATION with her OWN Stamp!
How fun is that!
Of course. Some do. Right Lindsey?
Creation is such a fabulous thing!
See these?
CLICK HERE to view on my website.
Get them for $55.00 plus 20% off!
Today only.
Order by Midnight!
The reindeer from the Reindeer Round Up is RIGHT BESIDE them in case you have been looking! I guess the hint this week was a little more difficult. Next week I will make it more evident!
These handles are a {Big Deal}
Because it took the amazing thought process of TWO Talented and Brilliant Brothers to engineer the machine that manufactures these handles.
It is computer run and motorized.
The glue, the process, the finished product is like a great big
{Mr. Rogers Episode!}
A turn table with four stations that makes the handles.
Do you have the handles?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section to let others know NOT TO BE SCARED!
Inspiration via Unity Customers!
Click through the list!
These gals are amazing!
Leave some love!
Off to do the Customer Hop!
I love Friday for this very reason!
Enjoy your weekend!
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Coupon Code: RRW2
Tonya…if you are reading this we are thinking of you!
Read this for some comfort:
Don’t wish me happiness
I don’t expect to be happy all the time…
It’s gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.
I will need them all.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
May your BEAUTIFUL courage, strength and sense of humor bring your family the comfort they need!