Welcome Sherry!
We are so excited to have you!!!!
I think perhaps that Sherry is one magic gal. She has a WHOLE TON of creativity that explodes into her projects. I love peeking at her blog. She is so very supportive and sweet – one of the prime attributes of a Unity Designer. She is going to fit right in this month as we have fun with Hip Hop and CHA happenings.
THANK YOU Sherry, for taking the special time to grace Unity with your creativity. Looking forward to the month ahead!
Happy Winter
by Sherry Campbell
Images from:
December Kit of the Month
Loving the colors. They are so …..”wintery”
Artist: Jessica Rose and Kristine Bents
by Sherry Campbell
Images From:
Ginormous Cupcakes
Pink and Green. This is why I love this girl. Her color choices are so fun and fresh!
Artist: Lisa Hetrick
So Ca-UTE!
So Ca-UTE!
Go take a peek HERE for more of SHERRY! You will become a Sherry Addict! 🙂
Leave her some LOVE!
It was a busy, busy weekend!
Not to mention the fact I feel as if I have been HIT BY A TRUCK!
“Busy” because we are working every single day getting ready for CHA….
“Sore” because a local SNAP FITNESS opened and I felt the need to start a work out plan.
I have had a TON OF FUN eating, drinking and being Merry for about….well….8 months – now it is time to go in reverse mode!
I never thought I was the resolution type, but with a crowd of people by each others side making the same commitment, hopefully we will stick to it!
I did NOT know I had all those muscles, though….even my pinkie toe hurts. THAT is how out of shape I am!
I have to admit. The treadmill is not so bad. We are friends. For now.
Who in the world thought that “This is the Time” would become SUCH a hassle!
I am still getting used to the sizing of my stamps.
When the plate came the stamps PRESSED super super tiny and I did not feel right selling these tiny stamps for $20.00. So I re-made the stamps.
They are going out the door.
“This is the Time”
will arrive on doorsteps very soon!
Thanks for being so WONDERFUL, Patient and Kind regarding that set.
We did put a {mini set } up as well.
Now we have TWO sizes!
So my friend Sabrina, keeps my inbox full of inspiration for me. She knows that I am working 12 hour days to stay on task and is so helpful, keeping my positive energy revived each day of the week.
Today she sent me some wonderful quotes.
I am a huge believer in not JUST positive thinking, but also the fact that staying positive creates a blessing of miraculous energy that keeps your life moving in amazing directions.
Prior to Unity becoming a reality I put my mind and prayers to work non-stop.
There was actually a pinnacle point in my life that I said –
enough is enough
and I slowly, day by day, changed my way of thinking.
I would dream, pray and visualize Unity.
{well, it was not THAT easy, but it sure is FUN!}
It doesn’t always happen the way you think it will.
As a matter of fact MOST of the time it doesn’t happen AT ALL like you think it should.
The real advantage is when you stop wondering HOW you will make something work and just KNOW it will.
THAT is the hard part….I consistently need to remind myself of it.
Do you do that?
Have you learned to let go?
I hope while you are busy “making it happen” you LET it happen.
Sometimes that is faster.
Believe it.
“If you can? Anything is possible for him who believes.”
– Jesus Christ
“Be realistic. Plan for a miracle.”
– Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
{I love this one. Everyone always says “Be realistic”, and that statement is so depressing! Not if you are realistically planning for a MIRACLE – that makes it SO EXCITING!}
Every great achievement was once considered impossible.
– Unknown
Let me know how your “impossible” happenend!
Ya know…..
I love to be inspired!