Today Unity is RELEASING a new set called:
Who adds to the happiness in your life?
As you read this I am on my way to meet one of the most important people in my life.
my mom.
i get to spend 7 whole days.
analyzing life.
just being.
****with my mom****
why does she add to the happiness in my life?
her smile.
her beauty.
her sense of humor.
her wit.
her stubborness
her faith
her love
I swear up and down that we were best friends and sisters in a past life….if there is such thing!
We have so much fun.
I am so blessed.
Florida Bound.
My birthday gift from my parents.
They tried to get me to come last year, AND the year before that – however UNITY was keeping me OCCUPIED!
This year, although I am even MORE BUSY…I knew it was time.
TIME to just follow my own ADVICE and ENJOY.
Stop. Take a deep breath. Live.
If you want to be happy, be.
~Leo Tolstoy
…and the is just what I plan to do. be. for 7 days.
really…probably not – but it is a nice thought. my computer is coming with!
{don’t worry – i will be in touch each day! – AJ is going to be a gem for me and blog – be sure to support her!}
This photo was taken 3 years ago. The last time I was lucky enough to visit my parents in Florida! I will share more recent ones when I arrive home.
Who brings you happiness?
{i hope you take a moment to let them know today – it is worth the extra effort!}
Let’s start this amazing day off with a couple CHALLENGES in great HIP HOP style!
You should!
Make sure you do!
Click on the blinkie and JOIN THE FUN!
March 28, 2009
JEN BUCK will be your first stop!
From there you need to simply find the next UNITY DESIGN TEAM member in her short blog post.
Click on the link to the NEXT Unity Design Team member enjoy each blog, find the next Unity Design Team member and hop to the next! BLOG TO BLOG TO BLOG t0 be inspired.
You will see the NEWEST RELEASE as well as some Unity FAVORITES and perhaps even some MARCH KOM Creations!
Start your BLOG HOP.
Click on the banner below!
I will have the SPECIALS posted!
Today is the DAY to get some NEW STAMPS! TODAY is the DAY to sign up for the Kit of the Month!!!What are you waiting for? Stamps GALORE – High Quality, Red Rubber, Pre-Cut!What? Only $24.00? {plus – today – there is a bonus}
Come back at 11:00 am to see the HIP HOP SPECIALS!