This was a novel idea to me, I never knew people MADE THEIR OWN CARDS?!?
How funny is that?
Well, I went right home and looked SU! up on Ebay.
Through a link on an auction, I found SCS -and the rest is history!
June Kit of the Month
{…perfect in every way}
Both Cards created with our June Kit of the Month.
CLICK HERE to sign up today and get a BONUS stamp set with your membership!
I am a SAHM of two wonderful boys (ages 3 1/2 and 5). I am surrounded all day by dinosaurs, cars and trains cardmaking is a wonderful escape into the world of designer paper, ribbon, flowers and all things pretty whenever I want.
I absolutely love making cards and go through serious with drawls if I don’t craft everyday!
I have been a big fan of Unity for some time now, and I am thrilled and honored to be June’s Card Guest Designer!!
What an amazing company, design team and customers -I am having a blast, so a thank you to everyone!!”
CLICK Here to take a look into Michelle’s world of Stamping.
She is a BRILLIANT creator and you will be inspired by her work.
A little rambling….cause I can…
My kids have been trying to figure out lately what they want to “DO WITH THEIR LIFE” – it is fun to listen to them ponder occupations. Sort it out. Think about it.
I don’t direct them much – I just ask them what they love.
My advice is always this. Take the first step toward doing one simple thing that you LOVE to spend your time doing. The opportunities will open up EVERYWHERE. You are given talents, and when you have the insight to use – them it is honored by the one that gave them to you….. Opportunity will come your way.
There are so many turns in this path we are on in life. Always just move forward, cease the opportunities, know when they are right there in front of you and DO SOMETHING with them.
Life happens.
I found this inspiration today- I loved it.
Here is something for all the Mamas and Dads out there!
Remind your children constantly, through you words, that they are unlimited – they can HAVE anything DO anything and BE anything they want in life. Remind them to speak of what they want and to focus on that. When they say that they don’t want something – ask them what they do want. Always consistently bring their minds back to focus on what they want. Embrace each of your children as unique. Give them the freedom to express themselves. Allow them to learn their OWN lessons, and know within yourself that everything is unfolding for them perfectly.
Taken from The Secret
I loved this. This is phenomenal parenting advice. I wish I could have thought of it myself! HA!
Have Fun Today!