Here we are February 1, 2010 – Where do the days go, much less the YEARS?!
Love this Kit of the Month!
ALL BY: Lisa Hetrick
That gal has got some FLAIR.
Love the “inside your card” sentiments!
They are perfect to stamp inside – and I am ALWAYS hearing that people want MORE, MORE, MORE of these types of stamps.
“May you LIVE a LONG life full of gladness and health”
Hooray Lisa!
I thought the more masculine stamps geared around DADS was amazing.
We all WANT more of these types of stamps and Lisa has made it easy for us to create away for those special men in our lives.
So introducing – Nothing BUT BLUE Skies for all you crafty Kit of the Month Ladies!
I hope you LOVE it as much as all of us here at Unity!
You aren’t a Kit of the Month Member?!
DO YOU SEE all these stamps for only $26?!
FULL – 8.25 X 11 sheet of pre-cut, deeply etched, red rubber mounted on CLING foam to be used with ANY acrylic block.
You should CLICK HERE to sign up TODAY!
On another Note.
My son is so amazing.
He has the biggest heart of anybody I have ever met.
He is thoughtful.
He is smart.
He is wise.
He is so many things and if you allow me to tell you all of them this blog post will be typed well into next year.
So I will stop there and just say
I adore him in every single way
….so why am I bragging up my oldest child, you ask?!
Because THIS is what he made ME!
Isn’t it the BEST!
It took HOURS and HOURS and HOURS….
all for his mama – and an “A” in his class, of course.
Don’t you just LOVE it!
I just can’t bring myself to CUT and EAT IT!
So send some loving energy toward this boy.
He deserves it.
All that hard work.
Just for all the peeps at Unity Stamp!
Hooray, Nic!