Today is Special. {well everyday is special}
buttodayisreally specialfor
5yes five1,2,3,4,5differentreasons.
Reason #1{i am on my way to the airport to pick up THIS GIRL}Hooray for Maren coming to Minnesota!This time around I am keeping her ALL TO MYSELF – I have this feeling she WILL be back!
she is goingto getthe REAL STORY.hooray.she will see my messy yard, my cozy but stinky (4 boys) house, my piles of laundry, and my craziness.very much looking forward to that.I am SO comfortable with her I didn’t even take my CHRISTMAS Village down {located upon my cupboards, UGH} in preparation for her arrival. She will just have to love me anyway.
Reason #2
Somebody will win this off the Unity FAN Page on FACEBOOK.Join TODAY!!!!CLICK HERE.
Reason #3
my oldest boy is graduating.{well, not today – but I just wanted to SHOW HIM OFF! Isn’t he handsome?!}
Reason #4
these people….
are in my life.{not to mention all the OTHERS not shown here – LUCKY ME!}
Reason #5
It is Unity Thursday.
I am so happy about that.
For Real.
Wasn’t it THURSDAY, yesterday – cause the weeks FLY BY!
We are keeping it simple.Sweet.&Fab.
Doing what we do best – showcasing our STAMPS with our FABULOUS Design Teams!!!