unity. an adventure.that is what this is.one sweet adventure.down winding pathsthat continue togrow morebeautiful everyday.
OK.this is a veryveryveryLONG postbut read it ALL…K?
——————————REMINDER:Click on the images below to MAKE THEM BIGGER!
Go Visit the Cosmo Blog Today!They had the COSMO CRICKET Design Team work up some MAGIC with the NEW Cosmo/Unity Line of STAMPS!Leave some LOVE for your chance to WIN, WIN, WIN Cosmo Goodness!YOU could WIN this!
These stamps can be order FOR A LIMITED TIME on the Unity Website. They can also be found in your Local Scrapbook Stores including Archiver’s.
In Celebration of Women and CreativityWe have Melody Ross Exclusives in this months MAY SCRAPBOOKING KIT!
Melody and her sister Kathy host women from around the world at the
Brave Girls Camp.
Here is the beautiful thing.i get to go.i get to spend time with this beautiful soul.howgreat isTHAT?
i love her.{she inspires me}Check out the Melody Ross Blog.
Leave her SOME LOVEFORYOURCHANCEto WINyourownBRAVE GIRL Unity Scrapbooking/Collage Kit
soooooo…..needless to say….
hands DOWN i am 100% excited.
These stamps will be HIGHLIGHTED by some of my Design Team Members on Saturday.Aren’t they PHENOMENAL?!
One of “moxie fab” Cosmo Cricket Kit
Five sheets of 12X12 Material Girl paper
One 6X6 Material Girl mini deck
Click HERE to enter the MOXIE FAB World
—–5th—–We have SPECIAL GUESTS!Crafty Chicks a la’ FABPretty much {heart} {love} {adore} these GIRLS!
Beate JohnsJenn Balcer&Lori CraigThey are EACH joining us for the BLOG HOP!Woot! Woot!
The ENTIRE Design Team is also DOING COSMO Projectsusingthe NEWCosmo Cricket/Unity Stamp KitsStart HERE by CLICKING the BUTTON BELOW!It will take you RIGHT to Beate….From there just look for the similar BUTTON and go ALL the way through!
The {ippity} girls with all their fabulous CREATIVITY will join us as well.using {ippity} of course! HOORAY!
When you GET to the END of the BLOG HOP be sure to JOIN us in SPLITCOAST STAMPERS for CHIT Chat and FUN.
MORE Games Today will be a Design Team Trivia Game. Hosted By: AJ Otto
Not to mention….
A Very, Very, Very, VerySPECIAL CHALLENGEin the Unity Forum on SCS.
Hosted by the FABULOUS and Splendid: Jenn Balcer, Beate Johns, & Lori Craig
Special Prizes for Participation
——————6thLast but not LEAST!——————-
the. sale.20% off ALL UNITY PURCHASEScoupon code: BIRTHDAY20{ONLY 1 discount code can be used per order, case sensitive – please use all CAPS}
New RELEASES available on the Unity Website through the weekend.Ends Monday.They will then be removed to give the LSS Stores EXCLUSIVES till Winter 2011.
Coming Soon!May Kit of the Month{releasing May 1, 2010}