warning: LONG POST. p.s. ALL LINKS will be available at 10 am CENTRAL TIME.
here we are.THURSDAY AGAIN!how amazing is that?
i feel as though my week goes from Monday to Thursday INSTANTLY.i guess that is a good thing…my sincere apologies for any emails that have not been answered….i promise i will get to them.
i sometimes wish that you could all see what happens on a daily basis here at Unity.we should really set up a live WEB CAM.This week I am going to focus on the girls in front with me….{but i do need to just put a little plug in RIGHT HERE saying how much i admire the peeps in the manufacturing as well}
Back to the girls in front….
i have these 4 amazing women in my life.that work SO VERY HARD.
Between these girls it all gets done.{here is just a small sample}customer serviceinvoicingbook keepingbill payingmarketingin store samplesemail answering Kit of the Month EVERYTHING ippitymarketingdesignsale decisionsrelease decisionsmailing out donationsmailing out challenge blog productmailing out product to publicationsgetting out HIP HOP prizesforum participationpublication graphic design decisionsco-branding workdesign team communicationbarcoding criteriasaleswholesaledistributionpackagingphone callswebsite updateswebsite product addning sightfacebook marketingCHA preparation….and so very much more.
it ALL gets done beautifully and with grace and consistency.i stand in awe of them.{we will be bidding farewell to one of these girls soon – but that is a WHOLE other blog post – stay tuned….i will miss her.}as Unity Grows it is my hope that we will add more people that hold the inner peace, kindness and compassion not to mention the determination & dedication that these girls hold. they stay calm at all times and carry themselves with the most positive spirit.so a little shout out to my girlsTHANK YOU for EVERYTHING!
i pretty much love them.can i say that?:)
this is us…getting crafty for store samples.look at the little table to have set up.ha!
Beautiful Eryn.
love these girls. love them TONS.
ALRIGHTenough mushy stuff…
a little Donna Downey for ya!
Donna is the BEST!CLICK HERE for her Blog.{so very, very inspiring…and so VERY, VERY talented!}
We have these AMAZING HUGE STAMPS!It was ALL Donna’s Idea and they ARE AMAZING!They vary in size – and are about 8″ long!They are BEAUTIFUL! I am going to STAMP THEM on my office wall and show you have FABULOUS they are!WOWSA!
I was going to stamp them on my office wall, however my day ZOOMED right by today.We also have a NEW FAVORITE of mine…..“She Said”I love it.
CLICK HERE to see ALL THE NEW STAMPS on the Unity Website.
NO WAIT!!!!!!that is AFTERyou visit all the blogs of the Unity/{ippity} Design Team.
…SPEAKING OF – the Unity/{ippity} Design Team…i am going to get a little mushy again….MUSHY WARNING:
RANDOM UNITY FACT: did you know?????that before Unity & {ippity}some of the girls on the design team had NEVER been on a design team in their LIVES?!how fun is that?
DID YOU KNOW…that when i picked these girls – I didn’t even know what a DESIGN TEAM WAS? I just knew I had to have one…..HA!cause other companies did….so i figured UNITY SHOULD. I WAS DETERMINED to do it MY WAY and not look TOO MUCH into what other companies were doing.SO I DID – and STILL DO.{after all Unity is mine – so i can, right? – rules stink – and so does doing things like everyone else, so i don’t.} I like the Unity way….I am not one that likes to be told WHAT TO DO or HOW TO DO IT.so typically i manage to listen to MY heart and do it MY wayI know that surprises you.HA!
So 2 years ago…..I picked some of these girls based on how cute i thought their cards were.that’s it.cute card = wanna be on my team? These girls were Fresh and NEW…. entirely…. to being ON a design team….and I had NO CLUE what i was doing 2 years ago.THESE were the FRESH faces I picked – I think I was pretty smart – don’t you?! none of them ever on a DT prior to Unity….
MarenAJJimmiChristiWendyBrookeJen BuckNatalie Kelly Eva….and maybe even a few more i don’t know about!isn’t that a beautiful thing?i have enjoyed watching them become more and more amazing through the last 2 years.
My point…. NEVER ever GIVE UP EVER.
i know what it is like to want something SO MUCH it hurts.it took us {chris and i} 4 straight years to get Unity off the ground.
determinationcompassionnon-judgement ambition& pure intentionslead you in the best directions in life.
you will stumble. you will get frustrated. it is not easy – if it was easy – EVERYONE would be doing it.{that last one a very smart lady told me this week – right, Amy?}Unity LOVES women.not to mention the dreams they hold in their heart.it is the one thing that keeps me determined on this crazy train ride. the women.oh. how. i have been inspired by you.
Unity Design Team UPDATE:
in the last couple months we have had a couple of our Unity Girls step off the team.
Goodbye to AmberGoodbye to Renee.
I always will be grateful for all you contributed to Unity.
HUGE, HUGE THANK YOU to both of you.
Sale Today!PLEASE NOTE: SALE starts at 10 am Central 25% offCOUPON CODE: SALE25{case sensitive ALL CAPS – one discount code per order}Good ONLY on the Unity Website.ANDhere’s the best part……1 FREE RANDOM STAMP with every $10 spent.{after discount, before shipping}These will be RANDOM STAMPS – Please no requests.So…THAT MEANSif you spend $10 – you get 1 free Random Stampif you spend $20 – you get 2 free Random Stampsif your spend $30 – you get 3 free Random Stamps.etc.etc.etc.
———————-THE Random Stamps WILL AUTOMATICALLY be added to your order by the fabulous peeps in shipping!———————
This is the MEMORIAL DAY weekend sale.It will apply to ALL ORDERS through MONDAY!How FUN is that?!The free stamps will be chosen from various kits, including past Kit of the Months.If you happen to get a Unity stamp you already own – send it to a friend. Pass it ON! 🙂 Someone will love you for it.
Time to Click into the amazing world of Unity & {ippity}!TAKE A PEEK.Press the BUTTON below and enter the Unity – {ippity}/Donna Downey World.Prepare to be amazed!
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” | |