a few months back…..EVA DOBILAS sent me a sweet email excited about Samantha Walker.my dear, dear friend and ippity design team member made something REMARKABLE using SAMANTHA WALKER designs and Samantha took notice!It was a brilliant match and through that connection another BRILLIANT match was born.
So today we are releasing some NEW Co-Branded stamps featuring Samantha Walker Designs.
Brooke {whom we miss very much} picking on “the little guy”
Bro and Andrea. THIS lovely lady now sits where Brooke was.WE LOVE HER.She is doing a FABULOUS job. Hooray, Andrea!
this ismy dad.{love you!}:)
thisismy melody.{miss you!}
this is a new guy at unity, my lukie….
…and so is THIS, my Nic.
this is part of the NEW Store Kit of the Month.
…and these guys are my LIFE!
Enjoy the BLOG HOP!!!!!