Sunday is here again and it’s another hot one! I can’t complain since I did ask for this when I was freezing in January right? Ha!
I have a few favorites today…this will be short since I need to take Rachel shopping for a dress for graduation and I’m already late…sitting here with my hair still wet, yikes!
Ok….I hope that Angela doesn’t care that I am sharing this but it is one of my FAVE-orite things I’ve seen all week…all year maybe, the Magnuson Family…SO SWEET:
That little boy GRADUATED this week…oh my…I will have to get some advice from Ang on keeping it together!
How about a few cards?
This one by bwstamper:
and this one by glenda s:
and this one by karamel:
and now I have to RUN!
Oops….I notice a theme…yes I love orange!
Have a GORGEOUS Sunday! See ya next week!