Ahhhh, it’s so nice to be home, in my own bed (though that hotel bed was the best one ever!).
So, went to Chicago for CHA….but I really just went to see my friends!
I don’t even know if I looked at a single crafting thing, lol….didn’t see any new paper or ribbon or tools….I just went to hang with these people (and a WHOLE bunch more that I didn’t take pics of, I am SO bad at taking pics, sorry):
2 of my best friends in the world!
Lisa’s lovely husband Adam, hehe:
FUN (and sweethearts but don’t tell them I told you!) guys!!
being SILLY
Soooooo….forgive me for not having pictures of new paper and inks and tools…I really didn’t look at any of them, ha! I just hung out with my FRIENDS and soaked up every second with them I could…after all Unity is all about friendship and memories, always has been, always will be!
Have a great Sunday everyone! And I promise next week I will show you some gallery goodness and maybe I’ll get a chance to SHOP this week! I really could use the therapy 😉
~ Jimmi