it happens to the best of throws you a loop. {or two – or three – etc. etc.}there are mornings you wake up thinking….please, oh, please don’t give me ONE MORE THING – Please?then….just because He knows you can handle it…HERE. YOU. GO. AGAIN.{challenge #1062 to the evolution of your soul. :)}– pretty much you can’t do anything but fall within the realm of the faith you have been blessed with.ONE MORE challenge evolves just to show you CLEARLY how very strong you are.that is how you are made. S.T.R.O.N.G.Perseverance. Defiance. Moving forward – no matter what. We all do it. We all have it in us…and the beautiful thing is this….THROUGH IT ALL the most amazing opportunities, friendships and realizations fall into place.lessons consistently. it is all part of this beautiful life. plain and simple.————————————–
WHAT IN THE WORLD does that have to do with UNITY?
a ton.
we are growing so fast and phenomenally. ….maintaining grace under pressure.some days it makes me giddy and full of excitement…others i just want to throw the covers over my head and HIDE.
we are going on WEEK 4 after the Craft and Hobby show and we STILL have people waiting for Unity product. WHAT?! How in the world did THAT HAPPEN?it did.we are adjusting. and asking for your patience.
hoping. humble.
We are doing what it takes and moving forward as fast as we are able!!!!We have hired THREE more FULL time people to help. THREE MORE families supported by Unity thanks to all of you. I LOVE THAT!
We have amazing people inside Unity and outside supporting Unity.We are SURE to KEEP MOVING forward in a BIG WAY! UNITY- for a reason, right?So join us for the journey, please. We LOVE having you!Your encouragement – Your enthusiasm – Your support means the WORLD to us.AND in grand ANGELA fashion – the SCRAPBOOKING KIT is ONE DAY LATE….and i only got 27 emails about it. all emails – sweet as pie.
so it is all good, right?
Here is what we have done – always listening – always changing a wee little bit…i hope you are GOOD with this!
We made THREE scrapbooking kits.1.2.3.
Artists: Cynthia Courtney & Joslyn Nielson$18
Artists: Michelle Stancil & Joslyn Nielson$18
Artists: Joslyn Nielson & Cynthia Courtney$18
These stamps are FABULOUS SIZES!You will LOVE them!So versatile.SO PERFECT for SCRAPBOOKING.Please ALLOW 14 business days for delivery.PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY to get in LINE.*******************
NOT TO MENTIONwe have a NEW and FABULOUS September KIT of the MONTH!CLICK HERE to see it and READ all the DETAILS on becoming a member.DID YOU KNOW?as a member of KIT OF THE MONTH YOU get 25% off EVERY PURCHASE of UNITY off the UNITY WEBSITE – FOREVER AND EVER?CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
CHECK OUT Sweet and LOVELY – Julie CampbellShe has a TREAT for US this week!
…Please email me at [email protected] and I will send you a PDF of the PRINT OFF PATTERNS for your USE!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Julie! I love this!
Quote Time…
When you are through changing, you are through. ~Bruce Barton
If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. {and OH HOW I LOVE butterflies!!!!}~Author Unknown
ok – last but not least – a long one – with so much wisdom.
Now – WITH A BEAUTIFUL ATTITUDE go BE AMAZED by the Unity and {ippity} design team!THESE GIRLS ARE FULL of Surprises!TAKE A PEEK!