Happy Saturday!we are just about to head out the door to minneapolis.we have family to catch up with.looking forward to a day of laughter.
it has been a busy week inside unity.we have had meetings.lots of them concerning where unity has been, is and where the unity family is going.We are a family.SO MANY PEOPLE have nurtured this company. EVERYONE.employees, artists, design team, customers.THESE PAST WEEKS – IT WAS TIME TO FIGURE OUT…what are our DREAMS as a COMPANY?WHO are WE.WHAT do we stand for.we have a CLEAR PLAN. and we are moving forward.
We got a little lost on our journey this past spring.
All KINDS of craziness was going on.
KNOW WHY?we were on the road to buying our our third partner.I don’t think I ever told everyone that.he was a great guy.and had DIFFERENT DREAMS to move forward on.it was time. SO if you felt a change a few month back. you were right.
….and NOW.We are SO EXCITED to take Unity in the direction of NEW and WONDERFUL Adventures.we are BACK.SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!
….and it STARTS with our Co-Brands.eleven of them.which ANDREA brought to my attention was PERFECT due to the upcoming year!2011what is a co-brand?it is the art of some of the paper lines and artists in this industry that exclusively match the feel of Unity. each one adding their unique flair to Unity. We are EXCITED to be joining hands with these people to INSPIRE the creativity that each one of you has inside.
right now.you get to SIT BACK.enjoy the process.as we LIST all the co-brands FOR SALE on the Unity Website.no more searching.you get to WATCH the excitement of all the NEW Co-Brands coming out…..and THEN you get to hop on the journey with us.i love a new horizon.
we will be putting all our NEW Co-Brands on the Unity Website.{…and they will stay there}
we offer a 25% discount with the Kit of the Month.if you are an exclusive member – you get the discount the months you get your kit.
that discount is VALID toward ALL SALE PRICES.ANYTHING in the SALE or Deal of the Day Category.
our NEW WEBSITE is highly functional using the SALE category and that is where you will find ALL the bargains.
Check there OFTEN.
BEST thing YET….FREE SHIPPING till January 2011this is OUR GIFT TO YOU for being SO PATIENT!
we want you to be able to purchase all these beautiful NEW STAMPS that are coming out WHENEVER you want without having to worry about SHIPPING COSTS.
COMING SOON!Added GIFTS with your Kit of the Month.{we will have Kit of the Month SPONSORS that are READY to let you TRY THEIR PRODUCTS with your Kit of the Month – so you will want to JOIN NOW!!!!}
3 More Co-Brands{but don’t wait to order, cause the FREE SHIPPING will continue – but the DISCOUNTED ITEMS will change weekly.}
New Kits from the UNITY Artistaswe love our girls.
NOWdo me a favorseriouslyCLICK on the LINKS below and see all the CO-BRANDSALL AVAILABLEbeing USED by the Unity Design Team Members.
These PROJECTS are GORGEOUS and you are going to want to buy your FAVORITE!Be inspired and be the FIRST PEOPLE to get these stamps – they have been HARD TO FIND till now. ENJOY!
OH! ….also – here is some saturday afternoon entertainment for you!