lesson – 2011 pay attention!life is like a river.it carries you.it takes you away.it flows.it flips you over.it floods and overwhelms.it recedes – and then it flows again.you really need to pay attention!!!!!you really need to be equipped.a good boat, some good oars – and perhaps a life jacket and a partner to help you out.
we have a river right by unity….and TODAY….FOR REAL…right outside my window….it was frozen AND flooded and flowing.how weird is that????IS THAT even possible?SURE IT IS!it is so representative of me right now.looking at it today was like God himself giving me a lecture. NOTHING is impossible.LOOK at all these things at work?yep, you guessed it ….I LOVE THAT.
Frozen = a little apprehensive with all the changes.Flooded = taking on SO MANY things all at onceFlowing = moving forward, taking hold and FEELING GREAT about the path of least resistance.JUST GOING WITH IT.Keeping on, Keepin’ on and knowing without a DOUBT – You are RIGHT where you SHOULD BE!
isn’t that the best?
Here is what we have coming up.
Some DESIGN TEAM CHANGES – April 14th – VERY EXCITING!SIMPLE STORIES – CoBrand FUN – Mid AprilRETIRING a WHOLE LOTTA STAMPS the ENTIRE month of April – ENDING April 28tthMay 1 – Unity BIRTHDAY FUN with Itty Bitty Stamps by UnityMay 7th – National Scrapbooking Day – win a Hand Crafted COOK BOOK from the Unity DT!JUNE – NEW IPPITY RELEASE!
SO. MUCH. FUN!I am telling you we are at the BEST PLACE right now!TONS going on.getting organized. feeling HAPPY.Spring is HERE!NEW.is.GOOD.
Today – we have a BLOG HOP from my BEAUTIFUL Unity Design Team.CLICK on the button BELOW to start.
Leave some LOVE!
Enjoy your weekend!We are OFF to South Dakota for a basketball tournament!FUN STUFF!