i feel chatty right now.{go figure :)}
so i am going to write what i would chat about if you were sitting here with me…i have “change” on my mind, cause it is such a frequent visitor right now in my life.every corner i turn – “hello, there” CHANGE – in my face.
there was a time, way back when – i blogged every SINGLE day.i miss that.it was therapeutic. cleared my head.then UNITY became b.u.s.y.life changed. life has a way of doing that.doesn’t it?
change.it is a word that scares some people to death.it used to scare me.
notanymore.{lesson of summer 2009 to now was CHANGE…it doesn’t make me crazy anymore, hooray!}so, now….to me, change signals an open door for added, and new blessings.it seems as though your world is ending and then…a rainbow.some sunshine.
and suddenly one day you look around and you realize you’ve been blessed with NEW people. NEW situations. NEW everything.and your NEW normal has emerged.
a NEW normal. i learned about this concept a couple years ago from one of my MILLION self help books.i don’t recall which one it was.however i do recall the moral of the story.
roll with it, baby.gift yourself with the concept of letting go of the word normal. it does NOT exist. nobody and nothing is normal.there are too many standards to compare normal to and the common denominator will not be found.YOU define YOUR normal.nobody else.so roll with it, baby.welcome change.
it is one thing to be content. it is another to be content within diversity {aka: change}.if it were all perfect. it would be boring.change.
babies don’t stay babies.friendships grow, alter, end and then start again.marriages evolve.opportunities are taken.opportunities are missed.life happens.
would you really want it any different? so as we go through the changes.hang on.changes are constant.and fun.and wonderful.and challenging.and perfect.
i love that.keepin’ on keepin’ on.
enough talk.let’s do something fun.
there are THREE things for you to do today.
one: Blog Hoptwo: Check out unityTV & become a subscriberthree: be happy.{can ya handle it?}
The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. ~Henry Miller{ok a little morbid, but TRUE just the same!}
If you’re in a bad situation, don’t worry it’ll change. If you’re in a good situation, don’t worry it’ll change. ~John A. Simone, Sr.{pretty much!}
If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown{you KNOW i love this one, the little butterfly addict i am….}
last one.
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~Harrison Ford{amen.}