OK ladies, it’s stamping on canvas time!
But why stop there, let’s make a pillow! A scented sachet pillow using Carte Postale – (psst – WHICH IS ON SALE)!
These are pictures of the project made in Episode #3! aired today, Monday, March 21st, here on the Unity Blog and on You Tube. If you watch it on You Tube, go ahead and subscribe to our channel (UnityStampCoTV), because the videos will just keep coming!
Subscribing to our channel ensures that you’ll get to see the video right when they are uploaded. We have 439 subscribers and counting!
This week, Angela gave away 6 Marah Johnson Breathless sets to our UnityTV subscribers! It pays to subscribe. You never know when prizes might be up for grabs.
And here is Episode #3 of UnityTV:
Thanks so much to all of you who subscribed. We hope that it will inspire you!