do you have those weeks?please tell me you do, so i can feel better about mine.i was COMPLETELY – and 100% off. seems as if your “to do” list is SO LONG you don’t even know where to start….your head floats off with your heart and they go hang out for awhile.
that was me this week. just COULD NOT get it together, dang. it! kinda foggy. kinda ditzy. kinda non-existent.walking around with all sorts of intentions – and zero urge for productivity.TODAY.determination has set in. ANGELA IS BACK.whew!in order to enjoy the weekend i need to get these tasks under control. make the touches that i promised to make and just DO THIS!
so we are keepin’ this post SHORT and SWEET.just cause i don’t want my head sneakin’ off again.that could EASILY happen.
next week we will have a Unity Warehouse Sale.WATCH for IT!there are ALL SORTS of lovely little stamps looking for a home.
in the meantime….
have you found YOUR “Unity Endorsed {ippity} Chick”?We officially have taken the LIST of {ippity} chicks down to the CHOSEN FEW.Women who are READY and WILLING to get your your favorite set of {ippity} Stamps.They are taking Pre-Orders for the NEW RELEASE coming on June 5th.Each one of these chicks is focused on their customers and their business. We had 400 chicks – and have taken it down to under 65.They are the women that are committed to YOU.Find YOUR chick by clicking on the badge below.These are the ONLY women in the entire world selling ippity as ENDORSED ippity chicks.