So…. I have completed the Unity Endorsed Ippity Chick introductions.
(if you are an ippity chick and you’d still like to be introduced, please contact me, Lisa H.)
I thought it would be fun to now see some of the beautiful ippity creations out there.
So for the next couple of weeks, during the M,T, and W afternoon post, I’ll be sharing some finds from the SCS gallery uploads. If you’d like to have your creation possibly featured here on the Unity blog, just be sure to use key words: ippity and unity when uploading to SCS.
Let’s start things off with this one……
from BeeMom
Love this CAS by jenmitten…….
and look at that ruffled fabric layer and the sweet little pocket on this one. Nice work, Sherri.
I seriously LOVE these stamps. Have a great day!