angela here.from my new cozy little home office.monday-wednesday- friday.
i know, you are thinking – but it is THURSDAY.yep.
i took the home office route today as well due to the fact….
i am sick. first time in 3 years.just a plain cold of sorts.nothing to alarming.but feeling like a wet noodle just the same.
wet noodles have a hard time being inspired.just sayin’
i feel as though i should take an entire day and just read back on my blog. back in the day i had some pretty fun stuff to say.i wanna do that friend, sabrina reminded me of the inspiration i used to send out way back when.made me think.
i think i let go of was hard to be ON all the time.however, now i am thinking – you don’t really want me to be ON – just IN the gameregardless of how i am feeling. i want that too.
i need to get back to that.
do you ever just get to this point in life that you WANT to feel inspired from the bottom of your heart? but you just don’t FEEL WANT to just have it happen without having to work so stinkin’ hard for that “feeling”.
i think the only way we can accomplish this is by making small changes.whether it is going back to the way we used to do something….or we move forward to a new way of doing something.each change pushes us through the little dingy spot we are in…and makes way for wouldn’t be life without a little dinginess.we all have is ok.
i am looking at all the materials i have around me to CREATE something.that would be different, huh?if THIS CHICK actually made some STUFF!!!TOOK THE promises.just saying it would be would be a fun change!
i haven’t done that for SO VERY LONG.i need to. my heart says so.
looking at my sick little self, i would say my SOUL needs some creativity.whether it be creating through my writing. or even an art piece or two.
jeepers. check me out. how depressing is that?give me a stamp or something!
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