Happy Design Team Tuesday everyone! It’s Wendy here, and by the time you read this, I will be on vacation – my first unencumbered go away vacation vacation in a long time!! I’m beyond excited!!
I was at the art store the other day, and scored on some Strathmore Watercolor 140lb cold pressed paper journals that were on clearance. At $1.47 each, and with 44 pages of 3.5×5″ high quality watercolor paper, I couldn’t resist. I finally got the chance to sit down with this gorgeous paper and play around with my Neocolor 2 crayons and some mixed media techniques. For the image, I used my beloved SuziBlu stamps Spring Flower Chic and collaged with stamps from the August Kit of the Month What I Know. I first stamped the image and colored it with the neocolor2 (oooh – these are smooth like butter!!), then made a background around it with 4 different blue and green shades of Neocolor2; then I stamped in different shades of green and blue on top of it all to give it a little depth. I went over some of the image edges with a black permanent marker to define them. Final step was inking the edge of the page. I hope you like her!
And my quote of the day and one of my life’s rules – don’t ever let yourself stagnate and be shaped by outside factors