“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”
my husband sent this quote to me today via his daily “love note”. yep – i get those. 🙂
in a nutshell it says….life begins.at the point you stop LOOKING to everyone else around you to kick start your life, or fix things or MAKE you happy.
WARNING:a little story about my past….
prior to unity.i was a homemaker and chris owned his own construction company.married. 21. two kids.self employed.along came baby 3.we were busy, busy all the time.living life.getting by. struggling. big time.chris worked SO hard to provide for us, with his crew.{a whole bunch of great guys}they worked when it was 20 degrees below zero and 102 degrees in the hot sun.SO HARD.we just did what we could. stumbling {a lot} and learning as we went….along came baby 4.construction industry {not so good}so we bought a woodworking business.manufacturing huge amounts of 3/4″ wood blocks for the stamping industry. i went from being a home-maker for 10 years to working in our back shop.with industrial tools…and my hubby.
i spent my days taking raw planks of maple down into 3/4″ wood blocks. for 1 year. on a daily basis…i looked like PIG PEN from the peanuts gang – walking with a big poof of dust behind me.
ask brooke. she will tell you what a mess i always was.
then….our family needed more income.so i went on the road.no choice.ya do what you have to do. right?
off to minnepolis, into a sales representative position
wait for it……
rugs & uniforms.toilet paper, rags, paper towels, soap dispensers.
not. my. dream.but necessary.CONFESSION: i cried every night.i had to leave the kids for days.i was on the road searching for manufacturing plants to peddle my “stuff” to.ick.
8 months after i sold rugs and uniforms.i was rescued by a local hotel.i took the position of a sassy little director of sales.LOVED IT.became very comfortable.found happiness.was close to home.
content…but still had a dream. unity.
LONG STORY SHORT.it took YEARS of crazy hard work to even get to the point of starting to do something that “fit” me….and even NOW it is crazy hard work.just crazy hard work doing what i love.and THAT makes a huge difference.
what is my point?EVERYTHING changed the minute i took the quote above LITERALLY.unity started to just FALL right into place all around me.with HARD WORK….cause i KNEW.nobody was going to MAKE my DREAM come true.there will be people that aid you.there will be help along the way.but in the end…IT IS ALL UP TO YOU.
having said that – here is the reality of it….dreams comes true.all the time.and those are happy days.but you have to keep on keepin’ on. YOU are a dream maker.you really are!ALL kinds of different dreamskeep doing it!…so good for the soul.
no apologies, no excuses, no leaning, no blame.it is all up to YOU.what’s your dream?———————–stamping.time.start with the BEAUTFIUL Angie Blom!..and hop on through!