last night i did a personal blog post.
Here- at angelamagnuson.blogspot – called Create This Moment.
i made a little – well ok – LONG post on my view at this time in my life of {HAPPY}
i love happy.
i really, really love happy…
but sometimes {HAPPY} is just not so easy.
right? you know.
so i wrote about that.
why am i telling you this?
well i am RUNNING a MARK DOWN EVENT based around my post!
cool, huh?
i woke up this morning, and thought – i have STAMPS that make me {HAPPY}.
my unity friends should have those.
i should mark them DOWN so people can have them.
so i did.
i have a little
SALE happening on the unity WEBSITE.
some of the empowering JUST BE YOU stamps in our line that i love and adore SO MUCH.
Melody Ross, Iron Orchid, Unity Artista Line, Donna Downey.
some INSPIRING help find your {HAPPY} stamps.
you should really go find the one that makes YOU HAPPY.
we have even added ONE NEW KIT to the HAPPY SECTION.
THIS will help with the {HAPPY}
you know those adorable….
the are ON SALE as well.
Chris and Bro – AKA: Unity Boys took off to Utah this weekend.
They are there visiting with one of our PHENOMENAL Co-Brands –
how fun is THAT?
Unity Stamp Company has ADORABLE BOOTH set up at the big Original Scrapbook USA!
are you there? GO VISIT THEM! you will LOVE those boys. they are SO MUCH FUN!
if you have ever wanted to see a guy with REALLY HUGE hands do some stamping, my hubby is that guy. it is SO FUN hearing him use all the appropriate terms for crafting.
this big, burly deep laughing guy…getting crafty.
ANYWAY back to my POINT.
{no added discounts or coupons may be applied to the $4 itty bitty price – stamp will be chosen at random inside unity}
one more little thing…
i would be honored and happy if you would like to “FOLLOW” my personal blog.
Create this Moment.
it is not always HEAVY, it is not always HAPPY, it is not always even that INSPIRATIONAL, it is just ME.
and I would love it if you took a moment to skip on over and Create a Moment by following my blog.
as an added little incentive to do so…
i will pick 4 girls to WIN this stamp by my lovely friend Melody Ross.
Send YOUR LOVE for only $5.
Take a PEEK!