truth be told, i am a bit obsessed with the unity co-brand with simple stories! i LOVE them. it is as if someone got into my very own mind and made them just for me! they are fan-flippin-tastic! my all time favorite simple stories line is SMARTY PANTS, from the elementary collection.
i don’t know if it is the fact that i have 3 school aged children or that i am a first grade teacher, but i just can’t stop using these stamps. (SIDE NOTE: if anyone knows where i can get my hands on the elementary PAPER collection, let me know! it’s been sold out everywhere!)
you can check out more product at the SIMPLE STORIES BLOG.
instead of a quote today, i will leave you with a TRUE STORY. this conversation took place on wednesday between me and one of my first grade students.
me: “you have GOT to start listening better. what’s going on? what’s the problem?”
boy: “i think i figured it out….my EARS ARE OLD.”
me (straight faced and serious): “really? you think that’s the problem? how old are they?”
boy: “i don’t know, but i am pretty sure i have had them since i was a baby. they just aren’t working right anymore.”
have a great weekend! 🙂 jen erickson