Time to plan for the NEW YEAR – yes, that was me – and I DID say PLAN! in an effort to not spend TONS OF TIME taking inventory we are having 3 weeks of FUN, FUN sales to help us clear this building out!EACH WEEK SOMETHING NEW!how fun is THAT?!
You can CLICK HERE to see WHAT IS HAPPENING THIS WEEK! 🙂 http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=63f2218e05b4f97ddf524aed7&id=efb10ac552YOU CAN Subscribe to OUR NEWS letter by clicking on SUBSCRIBE to the LEFT of our ADVERTISEMENT!
Cool, HUH?
In the meantime CHECK OUT these ADORABLE CARDS made by Unity Design Team Members – Using ONE OF the NEW PHYLLIS HARRIS RELEASE!
See post BELOW to participate in the UNITY BLOG HOP!More FUN Projects using PHYLLIS HARRIS!