Happy Tuesday!!
Renee here!!
Today I wanted to share with you a card I made
using the Sketch of the Month.
using the Sketch of the Month.
Of course to enter the Sketch of the Month you need
to use something from the Kit Clubs, either Kit of the Month or the
SMAK Kit of the Month.
I just wanted to use the design with one of my favourite stamps.
So many pretty colours in the paper collection.

I also wanted to share with you some
beautiful things that I have found looking around the
Unity Facebook site and Unity on Pinterest.
Because I couldn’t decide on just 1 I am sharing 2!
This first one is off the Unity Stamp Co. Facebook Site.
It is just so elegant and simple. I love it!!

Isn’t it AWESOME!!
This is by Kim Bell.
She has used the Unity – Susan K Weckesser – {A Little Grunge Love}
My next share is from the Unity Pinterest site.

This was created by Kendra Wietstock.
I love the colors and the corrugated cardboard backing.
And to top of your Tuesday
I wanted to share the a snippet of the lyrics from my favourite song at the moment.
Usher – Numb
They say life is a battlefield
I say bring it on
If you wanna know how I feel
Live it till it’s gone
I’m just saying that what don’t kill
Only makes you strong
If you don’t recognize what is real
Then forever is a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long
I say bring it on
If you wanna know how I feel
Live it till it’s gone
I’m just saying that what don’t kill
Only makes you strong
If you don’t recognize what is real
Then forever is a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long
Thank you so much for stopping by.