Welcome to another week of Growing In Unity! This week Tina is up sharing her fabulous Unity creations!
Meet Tina:
Here is a little something about Tina:
“Hi, I’m Tina DeMarche, stay at home mom of 4 boys. I homeschool my two youngest boys and enjoy learning with them. I’ve always loved crafts and working with my hands. Cooking is another great hobby to keep my hands busy. I’ve took a calligraphy class in 2001 and we would swap Christmas cards among ourselves. Thus began my love for card making, but I really didn’t get into stamping until years later. Over the last 5 years I have started to really get into stamps and they have taken over my crafting closet. I started my blog feistycrafter.blogspot last year to start entering into challenges. I’m really excited to be the Grow in Unity Girl this week. Thanks for stopping by :o) ”
Here is her beautiful project she is sharing with us today:
Be sure to swing on by her blog each day this week for Unity inspiration and your chance to win 2 itty bitty stamps!
Till next week!