Hello there and welcome to GIU Wednesday. This week Kelly is up sharing her Unity creations!
Meet Kelly:
Here is a little something about Kelly:
“Hello! My name’s Kelly, I am a wife and mother to three great kids from 8-16 and work & teach classes at a local craft store. I have a passion for crafting, cooking and fun! I’ve been a huge fan of Unity & the great people there since the day they started & I am thrilled to be the featured Growing in Unity girl this week! Please join me on my blog for some fun Christmas & Valentine projects & everything in between!”
Check out her great project:
Be sure to swing on by Kelly’s blog each day this week for loads of Unity inspiration! At the end of the week you will have a chance to win an itty bitty!
If you want to be a part of the fun be sure to come on by My Unity Place and sign up for next year!
Till next week!