Good morning everyone – hope you’re looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend.
I must confess, I am not, repeat I AM NOT a scrapbooker. That being said, sometimes you just get shamed into something.
Last year for Christmas, my best friend made my Dad one of those 6×6 scrapbooks that hangs (makes it very easy for him to have the stand displayed and flip when he wants). Notice I said my best friend made it, not me. Well what better time to try to make a little page to add to his album than now?
Since joining the Unity Design Team I have marveled at some of the girls ability to put together “pages of life” with such ease. I am here today to show you what I’ve done for my Dad using one of his favorite subjects…my nephew.
Here’s the new SMAK kit for May. Just click on the image to go to the Unity site to see all about signing up for this awesome monthly deal.
Here’s the picture of my nephew (totally staged of course – he’s such a ham!).
Here’s the whole 6×6 layout.
I’ve used lots of images from the May SMAK kit and it was actually pretty easy. I’m sure I need to work on my layout skills but maybe I’ll actually try to do some more throughout the year.
If I can be inspired to try something new, hopefully I can inspire you too.
One more thing before I go…remember that Unity is having a blow-out 6th birthday celebration. If you haven’t already shopped you still have the weekend and Monday.