Our unofficial kick-off to summer is now over.
I hope everyone in the US enjoyed a great Memorial Day weekend.
It’s time to announce the winners from Friday Fun Day and Friends with Flair.
So first; from all of you loyal Unity supporters who liked, commented on, or shared the Unity posts from Facebook on Friday, the winners are…
Elizabeth Del Rio
Kathy Bretl
Carol Watson Barber
Kate Wright
Kristin Stuthard
Teresa Kannenberg
Cathy Hennessy Roberts
Trish Hansen
Bonnie Gilmore Wyke
Debbie Hensler
Jane Dehring Bosi
Heather Ferguson
Judy Reynolds
Gloria Marshall
Cheri Strane
Cass Jackels
Lisa Nelson
Stacy Taylor
Robin R. Stevenson
Lynn Schroeder
Kathy Bretl
Carol Watson Barber
Kate Wright
Kristin Stuthard
Teresa Kannenberg
Cathy Hennessy Roberts
Trish Hansen
Bonnie Gilmore Wyke
Debbie Hensler
Jane Dehring Bosi
Heather Ferguson
Judy Reynolds
Gloria Marshall
Cheri Strane
Cass Jackels
Lisa Nelson
Stacy Taylor
Robin R. Stevenson
Lynn Schroeder
Not only have you helped Unity to 20,000 followers, this weekend the number topped out at over 21,000!
Now on to Friends with Flair. We had 25 super entries. Just want you all to know that even though we can only post one winner here, each and every entry is a winner in our book.
The posting winner is…Eric Bass
…and the commenting winner is…
Very cute scene you created.
Now, the Friday FUN Day winners and Erica and Sue D need to do the following to claim your prize.
[email protected]
Include your Full Name and Address.
Also mention you won a
[email protected]
Include your Full Name and Address.
Also mention you won a
“Friends with Flair or Friday Fun Day Prize”.
{please claim your prize within 2 weeks}
{please claim your prize within 2 weeks}
DMay 23, 2014 at 7:33 PM