Hey there and welcome to another fun week of Growing in Unity!! This week Rachel is up sharing her fabulous Unity creations!
Meet Rachel:
Here is a little something about Rachel:
“I am Rachel Bogner. I am a SAHM and Farmer’s Wife. When I am not crazy busy chasing my kids or helping out with the farm, I can usually be found in my craft studio working on orders or trying something new.
I have been crafting my entire life. I got into paper crafting when I was in the eighth grade when I wanted to make my own envelopes to send to my pen pal in Italy. I used old scene photos from the National Geographic Magazines we had around the house.
Scrapbooking became a huge part of my life when my first son was born in 2007, and I shortly turned to card making when I was taken to a stamping party. I have been a Unity Stamp Addict since 2009, when I first purchased the May Kit of the Month. I have SOOOO much Unity, I have ran out of places to hide…. I mean store it!
I hope everyone enjoys seeing what I make during this week!
This is also my birthday week (It was yesterday!) so make sure to leave a comment on each post during this week because I will be giving away two prizes from Unity Stamp Company, picked from the people who comment, as well as ONE extra prize from me, which has become my birthday tradition for my week!”
Here a card Rachel made this week:
Be sure to swing on by her blog each day this week for loads of inspiration and your chance to win some Unity goodies!
Till next week